Radon Woxall, PA 18979
Radon Testing and Radon Remediation in Woxall
Woxall is located in Upper Salford Township, PA. Most of Upper Salford’s residents commute to work in neighboring townships. The township is primarily rural and residential as reflected in its farms, open space, and natural features. Radon is prevalent in Woxall, which means you and your loved ones in the area are at risk.
Radon is a radioactive gas that results from the natural breakdown of uranium found in trace amounts in soil, rock, and water. Radon is the main source of our exposure to all radiation. The US Surgeon General and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have determined that radon is second only to smoking as a leading cause of lung cancer. Testing for Radon is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon.
The village of Woxall was originally known as Kroppestettel, which in Pennsylvania Dutch means Crowtown. The village was later named Mechanicsville. By the end of the eighteenth century, the town contained a hotel and restaurant, town hall, shoe shop, wheelwright, and 12 homes. The village kept the name Mechanicsville until 1888 when a post office was established. A new name needed to be selected for the post office because another Pennsylvania town had the same name. After much discussion, residents submitted the name Noxall, “Knocks All,” to postal authorities. The name had been read on the side of a bar of a box of soap in the village store. Evidently, they misread the “N” for a “W” and approved the name Woxall for the post office.
Radon-Rid, LLC – A Full Service Radon Testing and Radon Remediation Company providing peace of mind from Radon in homes and businesses throughout Southeastern PA.
Call for us for radon testing and radon remediation in Pennsylvania – Philadelphia County, Bucks County, Berks County, Lancaster County, Montgomery County, Chester County, Delaware County.
If You Live in Woxall, Radon is in your home
Scientific analysis of radon levels in homes in Woxall and many other Pennsylvania cities have found that 10% or more of homes contain dangerous levels of radon. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that can be removed from the house though radon mitigation.
Radon Radioactive Gas Kills
On average, 20,000 Americans die each year from radon exposure. Most of the exposure happens in their own home, where radon has a chance to build up over time because it is trapped by the walls and foundation. The percentage of radon contamination in Bucks County homes can be very high. Radon in Woxall affects on average 10-40% of all homes.
For Help with Radon Testing and Radon Remediation in Woxall
Contact a professional today about your home. Radon testing can verify that you are living in a safe environment, and if not Radon mitigation specialists can help you make your home safe for your family.
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Radon – The Silent Killer
Radon In Your Home
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- Take a few minutes to browse our Get To Know Radon Online Presentation.
- When you are finished, be sure to tell a loved one about our testing programs offered in Berks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Montgomery & Philadelphia Counties.